Institution: Big Basin Redwoods State Park, Santa Cruz County CA

Nature Lodge Museum Rennovation

Front End Evaluation

The Mountain Parks Foundation was working in collaboration with Big Basin Redwoods State Park to renovate the Nature Lodge Museum on site in the Park. Plans included immersive exhibit experiences and a Wi-Fi Lounge among other substantial changes. A survey of visitors to the Park collected information on awareness of the Museum, patterns of use, reactions to existing and proposed exhibits and facilities, and ideas for new or additional exhibit content and programs. I worked closely with Park and Foundation staff to design the study. We gave special attention to the data collection protocol for the challenging physical layout of the Park to ensure a random sample which was stratified to include over-night campers, day-use visitors and people who had and had not been to the Museum. The formal report included a graphic summary of key findings for use with fundraising efforts. Tragically, this, and many other historic structures were destroyed by fire in 2020.

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